Friday, October 02, 2009

2016 Olimpic Games... with Samba!

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Chris O said...

This is great news! Really pleased to hear Rio had won - it's about time South America had the chance to host the Olympics.

I saw the presentation by Madrid. Bilbao and San Sebastian were mentioned in a video that was shown, which I thought was interesting.

In the end, Madrid's team were so desperate that they sent Juan Antonio Sammaranch onto the stage where he basically said 'Please give us the Olympics because I'm 89 and I may not be around for much longer...' And it almost worked!!!

Nice Continental said...

Yep, Spaniards were quite disappointed - we are sorry for them but everyone sees the point of having Olimpic Games for the first time in South America. That was an historical debt of the Olimpic movement with the region. So... congratulations Lula & Co!